Delve into an unsettling adventure following the boy with a prosthetic face and a tragic past. In the first episode, Strange Neighbors, Sally Face and his father move into an apartment filled with odd tenants and an unfortunate crime scene. Little did they know what misfortune still awaits...
Unravel the sinister mysteries of Sally's world to find the truth that lies hidden beneath the shadows.
The game is composed of five episodes in total. The first episode offers a short introduction to Sally Face, which the subsequent episodes greatly expand upon.
In this story-driven adventure game, players will interact with Sal's world and his nightmares. The main path typically requires casual effort. However, there are hidden layers to be uncovered that will invoke a bit of head-scratching, for those players up to the challenge.
1.To download, click the button on the right and you will be redirected to the download page.
2.Click 'Download' on the download page and wait for the download to complete.
3.When Sally Face - Episode One has finished downloading, you can right-click on the .rar file and select 'Extract to current folder'.
4.Double click into the unzipped folder, find the .exe file and run it.
5.Enjoy your game experience! If you encounter any missing .dll errors, please look for a 'Redist' or '_CommonRedist' folder and install all the programs contained within.